The Utah State Records Center Security

Lisa Catano Records Management

The Utah Division of Archives and Records Service understands that an entirely paperless office is nearly impossible. Therefore, 6 years ago we moved and renovated the Utah State Records Center in order to provide a secure, offsite records storage facility for state and local government agencies. The Records Center can store 139,254 cubic feet of records for multiple agencies.

A long, gold and blue, 1-story building with the words State of Utah, Utah State Archives and Records Service, Utah State Records Center on the front.

The Utah State Records Center in Clearfield, Utah, 2018


With the constant barrage in the news about security breaches throughout the country, we diligently work to ensure that we are taking all of the necessary precautions to protect and keep secure the records stored at the Utah State Records Center. We know the records in our custody often include private or protected information, so we take this responsibility very seriously.

Security is always excessive until it’s not enough.

~Robbie Sinclair 

Brown door with a small rectangular window on it's right side.

Utah State Records Center, new interior door. November 2018


This year, we were proactive in understanding and making improvements to the security of our facility. Security needs are always changing. We evaluated our system, looking for vulnerabilities, and implemented additional security measures to fill the gaps. One major improvement was to add interior doors with controlled access to separate the lobby area from the records storage space. This allows us to more adequately control which individuals are able to access the records, while continuing to allow other staff or guests to be in the offices and lobby area. Cameras were also added to provide more consistent supervision of our building access points.

We know that this is not the end of the process. We will continue to evaluate our systems and ensure the security of the records in our care.