A cabinet card of three children

Top Baby Names in Utah 1911 Edition

Gina Strack Digital Archives, History

Birth certificates issued by the Utah Office of Vital Records and Statistics in 1911 are online and freely available. The searchable index and digital images may be accessed from https://bit.ly/1911Archive.

And that means it’s time to see the most popular baby names that were given in 1910 (see 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909 and 1910).

Collage of baby names from 1911.
Names of Girls from 1911 Birth Certificates


  1. Mary
  2. Ruth
  3. Helen
  4. Margaret
  5. Alice
  6. Florence
  7. Dorothy
  8. Edith
  9. Ethel
  10. Edna
Collage of baby names from 1911.
Names of Boys from 1911 Birth Certificates


  1. John
  2. William
  3. George
  4. James
  5. Joseph
  6. Charles
  7. Frank
  8. Robert
  9. Harold
  10. Edward