Caroline Pace: The First Women Elected in Spanish Fork City

Heidi Steed History, News and Events

I first encountered Caroline Pace while sorting through a box of records labeled ‘old stuff.’ Spanish Fork City had transferred the box to the State Archives with many other historical records. However, unlike the other meticulously identified records, this particular box was unruly. The box was full of hundreds of tightly rolled and folded pieces of paper that were difficult …

Topaz Internment Camp: Stories of Utah Women

Maren Peterson Digital Archives, History, Research

Pearl Harbor and Alien Enemy Registration After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the U.S. was suspicious of Japanese citizens. They were afraid that those who had immigrated to the U.S. from Japan were secretly spies for their birth country. As tensions rose, people of Japanese descent were evacuated from the Pacific Coast due to fears …