Municipal GRS Linked to County GRS

Rebekkah Shaw General Retention Schedules, Records Management

Municipal Schedule 21-56 “Evidence Disposition Records” was moved to County Schedule 16-58 “Evidence Tracking Records”. If a municipality scheduled a series with us under the old municipal schedule, please expect an email from us about updating the schedule next week. The MUN 21-56 said “These records document the use and location of items in evidence. They include tags on property …

Retention ranges in new General Schedule

Rebekkah Shaw General Retention Schedules, Records Management

As part of the process of updating all general retention schedules to adhere to legal requirements and best practices, we have adopted what the National Archives and Records Administration calls “flexible retentions” for some schedules. For example, a previously posted proposal for Public Transit Records is going before the State Records Committee this week. It has a retention of 3-7 …

You Asked For It! General Schedule Updates!

Rebekkah Shaw General Retention Schedules, Records Management

Here by popular demand, a new publication has been added to the Retention Schedule page of our website! The publication, “General Schedule Updates”, is an appendix that lists all new, edited, or obsolete General Schedules to date. Each schedule type (state, county, municipality, school district) is contained in this appendix twice: alphabetically by schedule name and numerically then by schedule …