Records Management Zombies: Or, the Challenges of a Mindless RM Program

jbulloughrm Records Management

Records managers can learn from zombies. A general observation about zombie behavior: Zombies wander aimlessly. They lack direction or the ability to plan ahead. Zombies do not exhibit signs of motivation until they see one of the living. If a zombie meets a person they then stumble and charge to get to their next meal, often hurting themselves in the process. Similarly, records management …


Susan Mumford GRAMA, History

Duplicious: [etymology: duplicate + delicious.] This is a word. It can mean so good it should be shared by all. (“I sent that duplicious tune to all my friends on facebook.”) Duplicitous can mean two-faced or deceptive. (“Watch out! He is one duplicitous hombre!”) Duplicative can mean repetative or the same again, again. [etymology from Late Latin duplicitās a being …