2012 Winter/Spring Training Events

mspring Records Management, Training

To register for a training event, please click here. Salt Lake City, UT Controlling and Managing Law Enforcement Records, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm February 8, 2012 Providing Public Access to Government Records, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm February 22, 2012 May 23, 2012 Essential Records Protection and Disaster Recovery, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm April 11, 2012 What’s in …

Alliance for Response: Safeguarding Utah's Cultural Heritage

Rosemary Cundiff News and Events, Training

       Some of Utah’s cultural heritage custodians met with first responders and disaster planners at the Utah Alliance for Response forum on November 2, to discuss actions that can be taken to protect  records and other cultural heritage artifacts in the event of a disaster. Planners hope that the outcome of this forum will be the creation of partnerships and strengthened communication between …

Volunteer Program Development Training

mspring Training

     Have you ever wondered how in the world you would reduce your backlog?  Or how you would complete a project that you never find time for?      Maybe what you need are volunteers to assist you.      If you have ever thought about how to find volunteers and how to keep them coming back, we have a training session …

2012 Utah State Archives Records Management Training Dates

mspring Records Management, Training

The Utah State Archives is pleased to announce the 2012 training dates. It will be an exciting year for training as we introduce two new workshops: “What’s In Those Cabinets: Tackling the Records Inventory and Appraisal Process” and “Essential Records Protection and Disaster Recovery.” Participants of these workshops will begin the process of inventorying in-office records, create a standardized rubric …

Alliance for Response Forum

Rosemary Cundiff News and Events, Training

An Alliance for Response Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, November 2, in the State Office Building Auditorium. This forum is part of a national program which seeks to strengthen communication between the cultural heritage and emergency response communities before disasters happen. Cooperative planning will enhance disaster responses and provide better protection for Utah’s cultural heritage. Speakers at this forum will include …

Fall/Winter Training Events

mspring Training

Click to register for training. Salt Lake City Training Events: Records Management I Utah State Archives October 6, 2011 9:00 am– 12:00 pm Records Management II Utah State Archives October 6, 2011 1:00 pm– 3:00 pm Records Access I *Utah State Archives November 3, 2011 9:00 am- 12:00 pm *Utah State Archives December 1, 2011 9:00 am- 12:00 pm Records …

Recap: Electronic Records Conference 4/28/2011

mspring Records Management, Training

****UPDATE**** A new presentation has been posted ****UPDATE**** Thank you again, to all of our presenters and participants, our event was a success because of your participation. The following presentations have been made available by the presenters (We will continue to add presentations as we receive them).: “The UDOT Transportation Blog” by Catherine Higgins, Utah Department of Transportation “Migration: Keeping …

Event Recap: “Sunshine Laws in Utah Government”

mspring Records Management, Training

Let the people know the facts, and the country will be safe. — Abraham Lincoln On Thursday April 21, 2011, BYU Professor Joel Campbell presented at the Utah State Archives RIMM Brown Bag lunch event. Mr. Campbell addressed “Sunshine Laws in Utah Government.” Below are some highlights from his presentation. ”Sunshine law” is the term given to open records laws …